#Travel140: Always Travel with Wipes!

#Travel140 #TravelTips: Always travel with antibacterial wipes & use them on airplane headrest/armrest/tray.

For years, I was cautious on airplanes – and in any public space, really – carefully not putting my hands on rails or tables or other surfaces where germs might gather. But I never went so far as to wipe down those surfaces until accompanied by my wife, who brought some Clorox wipes with her and insisted we wipe down the leather headrest and armrest. The result, as you can see in this picture, was “Eeew!” Lesson learned: Always travel with antibacterial wipes, and use them!

Update: If that photo doesn’t convince you, maybe this story on Forbes will: Airplane Tray Tables Carry Much More Than Your Soda And Pretzels

See also  Holiday #Travel140: Plan Post-Travel Down Time

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