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Amtrak Train Days Offer a Reason to Ride

Here’s a little something to tuck away for later, when thoughts turn to late-summer getaways, fall excursions, and family holiday travels: Take the train.

We love train travel because it feels a little luxurious: You get to take your time and stretch out to enjoy the ride. Granted, you have to have some time to take, and train stations are harder to find than, say, airports. But, if your schedule is flexible enough, it can be worth trying to make it work for you this fall and winter as Amtrak Train Days discount offers kick in.

Amtrak is already a pretty affordable way to travel with a family, since kids (2 to 12) ride for half-price most of the time. Older teens (16+) can sign up for Student Advantage and save 10%, and Seniors get a nice 15% off, too. All of which is nice, but what about mom and dad, and other adults looking for a break?

During Amtrak Train Days – which pretty much last for the rest of the year – adults can save 20% off the regular fare. Just book your tickets before the end of the year and at least seven days in advance, for travel from August 1st 2015 through April 25th 2016. Of course, there are some provisos, which can be found on Amtrak’s web site.

Bonus Budget Travel Tip: If you really like taking the train, look for Amtrak Smart Fares. The fare sales change every week but always save 25% off the cost of regular coach fares. You can even sign up for email reminders.

Still not convinced the train’s for you? Check out our Five Reasons to Love Train Travel. Go ahead…you have until the end of the year to book this sweet deal.

See also  In Case You Missed It - Travel News This Week for 27 August

4 comments on “Amtrak Train Days Offer a Reason to Ride

  1. Rob, thanks for the tip. I have considered taking the Amtrak to San Diego or Santa Barbara. Every time I visit Union Station, I get excited about the trains. A friend of mine recently used the train to go to San Francisco and he praised the experience.

    • Do it! We took Amtrak’s Coast Starlight from San Francisco (technically, from Oakland) to Santa Barbara and loved it. Volunteers with the National Park Service were in the observation car pointing out landmarks along the way, and the scenery is beautiful! You’ll love it – we sure did!

    • That’s what we thought, too. We’ve been looking at the routes and daydreaming about all sorts of train trips. I mean, if it’s on sale we almost have to take a trip!

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