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Favorite Travel Quotes: How to Discover Beautiful Paths

Favorite Travel Quotes

Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost!

― Erol Ozan

They say every dark cloud has a silver lining. One of the darkest clouds for many travelers is getting lost. It can be frustrating and frightening; in some cases, even dangerous. But many times, that dark cloud has the best of silver linings: discovering that beautiful path.

You’ve probably experienced this yourself. You turn left instead of right, and find yourself in a narrow lane with only locals, sharing the sights and sounds most tourists miss. You mistake one door for another, and stumble into the best kept secret café in town.

When you get yourself good and lost, you’re forced to ask for directions. With luck, you don’t just get a quick lesson in language and geography, but also a peek into local culture, customs, and history. If you’re very lucky, you make new friends and find yourself part of a global extended family.

Those wonderful moments, those hidden paths, and secret destinations have just one requirement: Sometimes, the only way to find them is to get lost.

Where will you get lost next?

About the Picture

The Virginia Piedmont is a spectacularly beautiful region where the Blue Ridge Mountains transition to coastal plains. This is the start of the Saunders Monticello Trail near Charlottesville. The two mile trail takes you from the Kemper Park carpark, right to the Monticello ticket office. It’s part of a 370-acre complex of parklands and trails that are free, and open to the public. We stopped at Kemper Park en route to Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello, while we were exploring Virginia’s Constitution Route.

About Erol Ozan

Scientist, traveler, writer.

Dr. Erol Ozan is a professor of information technology at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina. The doctor has degrees in electrical engineering, applied physics, and engineering management, and has worked with NASA and the National Science Foundation. As with many scientists, Dr. Ozan has a vivid imagination, which he expressed through writing. His first novel is the Science Fiction / Fantasy book Talus.

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3 comments on “Favorite Travel Quotes: How to Discover Beautiful Paths

  1. Hi, Very Good Article. it. The whole article is wonderful and very helpful. Keep up the Good Work Thanks for always sharing.
    Basharat Ahmad

  2. I love this quote! I must, since I always get lost in a new place, sometimes on purpose. I don’t think we can fully know/understand a place until we get lost there. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, never heard it put this way, but I absolutely agree 🙂

    • Thanks Emese! We loved it right away, too. You are so right! Allowing yourself to get lost in a destination lets you really discover the place, without the expectations you might have from your research and planning. Glad you liked the quote!

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