Favorite Travel Quotes via @TravelLatte.net

Favorite Travel Quotes: I’ve Come to Appreciate Travel

I’ve come to appreciate travel, not as a means of getting someplace so much as getting away.

― Our own Rob @ TravelLatte!

Have you ever met someone who just doesn’t appreciate travel?

No really, they exist. There are people who don’t just not appreciate travel, but down right don’t like it. (Or so they say.) For some, it’s nothing more than getting from Point A to Point B, which they’d likely rather not be doing in the first place.

That is so not me. I’ve always loved to travel, even if it was just flying across the country to see yet another conference room. Maybe it’s just the change of pace, or scenery, or people. Experts in productivity and mental health say getting away from the every day can be rejuvenating, refreshing. Even if it’s just getting from Point A to Point B for a little while.

That’s one thing, of many, that I enjoy about travel. What do you enjoy?

About the Photo

Lake Saco, New Hampshire

“Getting Away” is a time-honored tradition, and we like to get away every autumn. There are few places in the United States that show more fall color than the White Mountains of New Hampshire, where you’ll find the Saco River and this lovely little lake. You can get away at the AMC Lodge just across the street, which has lodging as well as hiking and camping maps that cover the Appalachian Mountains in New Hampshire, and beyond.

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See also  Favorite Travel Quotes: It Isn’t Always Pretty

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We’re always looking for ways you can bring the goodness of travel into your home, your life, and…well, your travels. (Yeah, we’re smooth with the words.) Introducing, the TravelLatte Shop’s very first item: Travel Quote artwork featuring this very quote! If you love it, you can buy it! More to come, so look for more travelous goodies coming soon.

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