Hello World!

Many a Computer Science student will recognize the words, “Hello word,” the satisfying result of ones’ first successful programming lesson.  It’s an expression of arrival:  ”Hello, world, here I am!”

Travelers will also recognize those words, but with a very different intent.  For travelers, it’s an embarkation, a very happy “Pleased to meet you and let’s get going!”

For TravelLatte, it’s both.  The debut of the blog is an arrival, of sorts, and signals expansion from a Facebook presence.  It’s a departure point.  We think it will be a great launchpad from which to experience and share.  You’ll find travel news and information, ideas and experiences, tips and tales.  (We tried really hard to stay away from the worn out “tips & tricks”!)

Our cup is full and we’re ready to head out.  It’s a big world out there, so let’s get going!

See also  Please Bear With Us

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