
Every so often, I am accused of being a perfectionist. My retort is generally that, were I a perfectionist, whatever we’re doing would be going better. (And then I get to be by myself for a little while.)

I am the kind who likes to plan, though, especially when travelling. I pursue perfection on every trip. By the time we’re bound for the airport, I have a list of options from great restaurants to ‘can’t miss’ landmarks, special events to timeless attractions. I want to know everything we should see and do and have a loose plan for every day. That doesn’t mean we’ll actually get to all or any of it. The plan is not perfect.

Imperfection, in fact, is part of the plan. I know full well we won’t get to do every little thing there is to do. There will be sights and experiences that will have to wait for another time. There will also be a host of things that we never knew should have been on that list! Flexibility is key; you have to be willing and able to “roll with the changes,” to let go of plans gone awry and capitalize on opportunities. Experience has taught us that, many times, the perfect vacation memory comes from one of those happy accidents which introduce us to something new or unexpected.

That’s the beauty of it: Even if perfection doesn’t pan out – and it really hasn’t yet! – the fallback position is still pretty awesome when you embrace the imperfections.

Have your perfect plans ever worked out? Let us know how your travel plans have been the victim or beneficiary of a little imperfection with a Comment!

See also  Five (More) New Year’s Resolutions for Travelers

4 comments on “Imperfection

    • Thanks! I’m still learning the best delivery. Sarcasm doesn’t seem to work so well. 😉 Thankfully, when we’re travelling I usually get some encouragement that things are going just fine. Turns out, I’m the only one interested in things going perfectly.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  1. Although I am also a perfectionist and a planner, I’d have to say that these characteristics fall by the wayside when it comes to travelling, (at least to an extent). If I am going somewhere, I need a place to stay. If it’s a vacation, everything that happens after that I’ll take it as it comes. But if I’ve gone somewhere to stay for a while, I need work and visa and all that good stuff set up ahead of time.

    Oh the fun of travelling!

    Have fun with a-z.

    • Hi Jessica – Thanks for stopping by! The perfectionist planner in my usually takes a vacation as soon as the plane lands…I can’t seem to turn it off before then. 😉

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