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Monday Travel Motivation – from Paul Theroux

Our new series of inspirational and motivational images and quotes related to traveling continues with a few words from travel writer extraordinaire, Paul Theroux:

“Travel is glamorous only in retrospect.”

The first time I read that, I chuckled. But, when walking into Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport in a light snow at 0430, only to find out that even the first flight of the day was delayed, I completely understood. Sometimes, the action of traveling seems more chore than art. But in restrospect – when we look back days, sometimes year later – it is such a great memory!

However un-glamorous it was at the time, what’s your favorite travel memory?

See also  Favorite Travel Quotes: Such a Lot of World to See

5 comments on “Monday Travel Motivation – from Paul Theroux

  1. So true. First there was 911 and terrorism, now it’s covid. There are factors beyond our control that continuously make travel more of a stressful chore and less glamorous. But all of us die hards keep doing it anyway!

  2. This quote is honest about travel. Sometimes it’s more glamorous looking back than being in the planning phase or dealing with being pickpocketed or sick overseas. However, I wouldn’t trade it in for anything! Even after getting sick numerous times in South America, I wouldn’t give it up my experience for anything, it certainly made me stronger!

    • It can be a chore, and it’s not always fun – that’s for sure. But you nailed it – the memories are priceless. I guess that goes along with another old saying, “Nothing worth doing is easy.” Thanks for stopping by, Lyn!

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