Imagine living under a tin roof, with no insulation, during a hailstorm. With firecrackers. That’s pretty much what Lunar New Year sounds like. Oh, plus a lion. But don’t worry, that’s good luck. read more

Imagine living under a tin roof, with no insulation, during a hailstorm. With firecrackers. That’s pretty much what Lunar New Year sounds like. Oh, plus a lion. But don’t worry, that’s good luck. read more
Here’s one you can file under “About Damn Time!” Japan’s iconic Mount Fuji has been given status as a World Cultural Heritage Site by the UNESCO committee. You know, the mountain that has played a prominent role in Japanese history … read more
It’s become almost passé. “Oh, there’s a new mega-building going up somewhere in Asia? Yes, we know…it will be just fab.” Just how many times can they outdo themselves? Well, at least once more, it seems. Hong Kong’s futuristic, billion-dollar … read more