We have heard stories our entire lives of adventurous sailors who charted courses around the world. Christopher Columbus sailing to the New World. James Cook “discovering” Polynesia. Marco Polo introducing Europeans to the Orient. For some, it is just history while in others it inspires a longing for adventure and discovery. For me, these stories have inspired curiosity about faraway lands, a desire to see them for myself, and a fondness for sailing ships. So I can think of no better way to explore our world than by sea, skipping from port to port, occasionally venturing inland to see the wonders of the world. Problem is, I have as much experience sailing a ship as I do speaking Mandarin. Which is to say, I can’t do either.
Luckily, that doesn’t mean I have to drop a seaborne circumnavigation from our Travel To Do List. Regent Seven Seas will gladly handle the sailing duties should we join them for their 128-night around the world luxury cruise aboard the Seven Seas Navigator. The journey begins in Miami in January 2017, and will call on more than 60 ports in 31 countries on six continents. The cruise will transit through the Panama Canal, visit 29 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and offer overnight, overland options to iconic destinations such as the Taj Mahal, Angkor Wat, and Bagan.

The Regent Seven Seas Navigator. (Photos: Regent Seven Seas Cruises)
Imagine sailing from Hawaii through the South Seas, docking in Tahiti and Bora Bora before crossing the Great Barrier Reef, then on to Bali. How about exploring the Indian coastline before crossing the Red Sea en route to ancient Petra? Or maybe hopping from port to port across the Mediterannean, docking in Monte Carlo and spending an evening in the casino? Cruisers will be doing all of this and more in a little more than four months aboard the small(ish) 490-passenger luxury vessel.
What could prevent us from crossing this cruise off our Travel To Do List is the $55,000 per person price tag. But then, this voyage is on an intimate, smaller vessel, and includes a pre-cruise hotel stay and gala, first-class airfare, a visa package, shore-side events, excursions, laundry services, medical services, and even a commemorative gift. Just in case, we have left our calendar open for January 5, 2017, the date the cruise departs Miami. Booking is open now. Come on, Lady Luck, papa needs to win the lottery!