I don’t mean to alarm anybody, but you should probably know there’s some kind of rift in the space-time continuum in Fort Lauderdale. read more

I don’t mean to alarm anybody, but you should probably know there’s some kind of rift in the space-time continuum in Fort Lauderdale. read more
Sometimes, fate and fortune work in your favor. On a recent trip to Austin, we set out for a little Greek restaurant, excited to indulge our fondness for, well, everything Greek! You can imagine our disappointment when we arrived to … read more
San Marcos, Texas is known mostly for three things: Outlet shopping malls, Texas State University, and the long-closed theme park Aquarena Springs. In fact, we were in San Marcos precisely for two of those three things. (We had a carload … read more
Our first night in San Francisco, at the start of a week long, 500 mile road and train trip down the coast to San Diego, we did the only sensible and perhaps the most important thing one could do: We … read more