Pretty much every year I declare that I am done with New Years’ Resolutions. Should this year be any different? read more

Pretty much every year I declare that I am done with New Years’ Resolutions. Should this year be any different? read more
Paradise found. For many travel writers and bloggers, and travelers in general, that is the goal. Somewhere out there is a place where you can relax and recharge. Someplace where the land, the people, and the elements speak your language. … read more
You say “po-TAY-toe”… The other day, I heard someone refer to the movie “Pirates of the CaRIBbean.” “You mean, Pirates of the CaribBEEan?” “Yeah, that’s what I said.” Only, that’s not what he said. Does it matter? Probably not. Either … read more
The lady at the front of the bus, the hostess for our group of tourists intent on experiencing the culture of Hawaii, kept yelling at us. “Alooooooha” to each new family boarding and settling into their seats. I think she … read more