#TheWeeklyPostcard travel blog linkup via @TravelLatte.net

The Weekly Postcard – 05 October 2018

Welcome to The Weekly Postcard Travel Blog Link-up!

Just like the postman once delivered updates from friends and family traveling around the world, The Weekly Postcard delivers posts from travel bloggers all over the globe every week!

A Brief Introduction

The Weekly Postcard Pinterest Board ~ TravelLatte’s Favorites ~ Link Up ~ How to Join & FAQ ~ Archive

Welcome to October!

We know the calendar has said it’s fall for a couple of weeks now but, for us, this is where the rubber meets the road – both literally and figuratively.

Figuratively, October is when we start seeing everything we associate with autumn: cooler weather, leaves changing color, state fairs, pumpkin everything, and the start of the holiday season. Because yes, we consider Halloween a holiday! (Rob’s Irish roots insist on it.)

Literally, the rubber meets the road every autumn as we climb in the car (or airplane, which takes us to a car rental agency) for a leaf-peeping road trip! One of life’s simple pleasures is driving along country lanes draped in fall color. Speaking of which…

Our First Fall Giveaway!

We’re giving away some goodies over on our Instagram feed! We don’t know everything we’re giving away yet, but we do know we’ll have some fall destination goodies, and perhaps some TravelLatte gear.

Here’s the deal: Our annual autumn getaway begins on Saturday 13 October this year, but we’re not saying where we’re going. You have to guess! Up until we get on the plane, we’ll be dropping hints in fall-flavored Instagram posts. Follow us, and leave your guess in a comment to get in the running. We’ll spread some pumpkin spice lovin’ on three followers who guess correctly! It’s that simple.

Note: This is a TravelLatte giveaway, not associated with The Weekly Postcard.

On with the Weekly Postcard!

But you came here for The Weekly Postcard, so let’s get that show on the road! You know the drill: Use the links above to navigate through this post, or just scroll down for highlights from last week, and entries in this edition. Thanks for joining us, and enjoy The Weekly Postcard!

Let’s Get this Party Started!


Highlights from The Weekly Postcard

There are lots of great travel stories, tips, and inspiration in every edition of The Weekly Postcard! Last week, these were among our favorites:

  • Our co-host Anisa at Two Traveling Texans recently did something that’s been on our Bucket List: Visiting the White Cliffs of Dover! Along the way, she introduced something new we didn’t even know was there…and it made us want to go even more! (No spoilers here – you’ll have to read it to find out more!)

  • The ancient civilizations of Mexico are as fascinating as any others, maybe more. Need proof? Emese, at Wanderer Writes, introduced us to what you could call ancient street art in Cacaxtla – Ancient Murals in Mesoamerica. The most amazing thing, to us, is how well preserved they are! Take a look; you’ll be amazed.

  • We’ve often said there are some places that everyone should see in America, and The World is a Book took the family to one of the biggest – literally! They shared Tips for Visiting Mount Rushmore with Kids – but again, we think the tips and info are perfect for anyone visiting! If you’re thinking of going, be sure to Pin this post!

See The Weekly Postcard on Pinterest!

If you see something you like, Pin it! See something you missed? Click on the Pin to read the post. We keep this archive for you, so feel free to use it!

How Does The Weekly Postcard Work?

There’s a new batch of blogs ready for reading every Friday afternoon. You can find them on TravelLatte, and at our co-hosts: Travel Notes and Beyond, Toddlers on Tour, Two Traveling Texans, and California Globetrotter.

Each one of us will have links to all of that week’s featured blogs. Find a few that look interesting, and click to read – it’s really that simple! Don’t forget to leave a comment – bloggers love comments, and that’s how we build a community of like-minded travel lovers! Feel free to share with your friends on Social Media, too. You can Pin, Tweet, or share on Facebook right from the thumbnails, or from each post you click on. I know all of the bloggers truly appreciate it when you read and share.

What if I have a blog, too?

Then join the fun! Participating in #TheWeeklyPostcard is a great way to reach new readers, and build your comments and social shares. Plus, you get to know some of your fellow travel bloggers, network, and learn about tons of destinations, travel tips, and more.

Housekeeping Rules for Bloggers

Can I use an older blog post?
Sure! #TheWeeklyPostcard is a great way to show off a new post, but also to show an older piece some love.
Does it have to be travel related?
Well, it is about travel, so yeah. Show off your favorite destination. Teach us how to take a train or save money on airfare. Tell us your favorite travel tips. You get the idea! Posts that are not travel related may be removed.
Where do I get that snazzy badge for #TheWeeklyPostcard?
We know, it’s cool! And it’s easy: Just copy the badge html code (from the gray box on the page where you add your link) into your editing program. You can add it to the bottom of your page or in a sidebar.
Uhm, that code thing isn’t working for me.
No worries. If you have issues adding the code, add the badge as a picture and include text saying that you have linked up with #TheWeeklyPostcard, along with a link back to one of the co-host’s blogs.
Do I have to add the badge?
You want people to know you’re part of the cool crowd, right? The badge helps get the word out and identify community members. Having the badge on your sight lets readers know you’re part of an established, respected community of travel experts. Plus, posts without a badge will be removed.
When can I add my post?
#TheWeeklyPostcard opens each Friday at 12n Pacific / 3pm Eastern, and closes on Sunday at 3pm Pacific / 6pm Eastern.
Anything else?
You can help spread the word by using the hashtag (#TheWeeklyPostcard) in your tweets. We will like and re-tweet your Tweets when we see the hashtag, and encourage everyone to do the same.

Helpful Hints for Bloggers

  • Be sure to include a nice, tall portrait-orientation Pin so everyone can add you to their Pinterest boards! Here at TravelLatte, we’ll use that to add you to our board for #TheWeeklyPostcard, and may feature you on next week’s roundup!
  • When you do make a Pin for your post, be sure to give it a name that includes the post title, blog name, and keywords. That will help your Pin (and post) travel farther.
  • Not up with the Pinterest? No worries, but do try to include at least one portrait orientation image that people can use if they’d like to Pin your post.
  • Be sure your posts have your Social Media channels, so readers can find and follow you right from The Weekly Postcard linkup!

See also  What We're Reading: Around the Blogs on a Lazy Weekend

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