Time Marches On (First Quarter is History!)

Has anybody seen March?  Seriously, it was just coming in the door and suddenly it’s ready to leave the party.  I know time goes marching on, but just like that the first quarter is last quarter.  We were not prepared.    

TL's 1Q15 Travel PhotoGrid

Clockwise from Top Left: Liberty Bell – AT&T Stadium – Lincoln Memorial – Gaylord National – Buckingham Fountain

In between the record snowfalls, the first quarter was awesome! Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington DC, and a stint pretending to be a tourist in our own town.  Travel shows, train trips, AT&T Stadium, and that crazy treasure hunt called lost luggage.  Good times.

Gone.  That’s 1Q15 in the rear view mirror.  Up ahead, Miami Beach, baby!  Big Island, little Texas towns, more travel shows and conferences, Oooooklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plain, and we’d like to cross a border at some point.  (Yes, we’re open to suggestions and offers.)    

The calendar, however, is far from full. We mention this for two reasons.  While there are plenty of places we’d like to go, it might be nice to see and write about someplace you’d like to go.  Think of it as a Reader’s Choice – your opportunity to send us on assignment. We’d love to see your suggestions in the comments.  Similarly, we do have open space for assignments.  If we’ll be in your town and can cover an event or adventure, we’d love to hear about it.  If you’d like to gain more exposure for your clients, a special event, or your destination, reach out and we’ll explore the possibilities together.    

Come what may, you can read about it here.  Now that our busy first quarter is over, we will take some time to catch up on some blog posts – including the 2015 Blogging A to Z April Challenge – before setting sail (figuratively, for now) for more travel fun!  Thanks for following along!

See also  Highway Star

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