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Monday Motivation: The Best Medicine in the World

One of our favorite inspirational and motivational travel quotes comes from American President and Father of the Constitution, James Madison:

“Let me recommend the best medicine in the world: A long journey, at a mild season, through a pleasant country, in easy stages.”

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Father of the Constitution

Living in Colonial Virginia, James Madison was a well-educated and influential man. He was the architect of the Virginia Plan, which went on to serve as a framework for the Constitution. Working with his friend Thomas Jefferson, he drafted the Bill of Rights, and he kept notes and minutes which became the official records of the Continental Congress. All of this earned him the moniker Father of the Constitution.

Madison served as Jefferson’s Secretary of State before succeeding him as President. He led the country through the War of 1812, and engineered the Louisiana Purchase, doubling the size of young America. He collaborated with Alexander Hamilton and John Jay to write the Federalist Papers, and founded the Democratic-Republican Party with Jefferson. He was a statesman’s statesman.

The Virginia Piedmont was his own “pleasant country,” through which he traveled, in easy stages, to visit his friends Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe. We find, as Madison did, that nothing soothes the mind and soul quite like traveling.

We enjoyed learning about the Founding Father and his famous wife Dolley when we toured James Madison’s Montpelier, where history was born. We also have more Travel Quotes to inspire your wanderlust!

Touring James Madison's Montpelier via

See also  Favorite Travel Quotes: So Much of Who We Are

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