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Favorite Travel Quotes: Don’t quit your Day Dream!

Don’t quit your Day Dream.

― Sign in a store window.

Walking through a crafty-slash-foodie section of town, we spotted a sign in a store window. It was simple, gold lettering on a white background saying, “Don’t quit your day dream.”

That might be the best advice we’ve ever gotten. From a sign in a store window. Mysterious ways, indeed.

It is, of course, a play on the old saying, “Don’t quit your day job,” which we’ve heard a lot! Practicing guitar, singing, writing…invariably someone will encourage you to keep working at what pays the bills. The implication is that you’re not quite good enough to make that creative endeavor pay off.

What they’re really saying, in a more pleasant way, is to stop day dreaming. You’re never going to be a rock star. You are not Meryl Streep. You are not the next Van Gogh or Rudyard Kipling. (Feel free to insert your own heroes here.)

Don’t listen to them. Play your heart out. Sing like you’re in Madison Square Garden. Or just let loose and air guitar that jam.

Don’t quit your day dream.

Maybe you want to walk in Saharan sands. Your life goal might be sailing the Nile and standing in the moonlight at the foot of the Great Pyramids. Maybe you just want to stand in Times Square, the Crossroads of the World. Wherever you go in your day dreams, don’t give up. It might seem impossible, and others may say you’ll never get there, but don’t quit your day dream.

Experts will tell you: Visualize your goal. See yourself in that picture. Day dream about it, and you’ll find your waking self working to make those dreams come true.

FYI: Don’t Quit Your Daydream also happens to be a documentary film by the band The Good Listeners, who filmed themselves living the dream.

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