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Favorite Travel Quotes: Just Want to go a-Travelling

“Don’t wanna sleep, don’t wanna die, just wanna go a-travellin’ through the pastures of the sky.”

― Holly Golightly*

Truman Capote's Breakfast at Tiffany's via @TravelLatte.net

When you think of women in travel, Holly Golightly probably doesn’t come to mind. But Truman Capote’s novella Breakfast in Tiffany’s starts with her leaving Africa, and ends with her headed for Brazil and traveling the world. Whether she was struck with wanderlust or just running from (or after) love is debatable.

Either way, we can identify with her little song. We are rarely happier than when we’re “travelling through the pastures of the sky” en route to a new adventure, a favorite destination, or a city we’ve never seen.

When Truman Capote penned Breakfast at Tiffany’s in 1958, a woman traveling the world alone was a rare thing. Even in the revolutionary 1960s (the movie debuted in 1961), the solo female traveler was not common. It would be a stretch to say that Hollywood paved the way for women in travel, but Audrey Hepburn’s enigmatic role may have helped normalize it.

Side Note: If you’re a fan, you can actually have breakfast (or, at least, brunch) at Tiffany’s! The Blue Box Café at the flagship Fifth Avenue store in New York looks just like Holly Golightly might walk in for her reservation at any moment. Which is important, because you’re not likely to get in without a resy, and they are booked months in advance. We know…we’ve tried. Repeatedly. (Image: Time Out New York)

Tiffany's Blue Box Cafe via @TravelLatte.net

Breakfast at Tiffany’s comes to life at the Blue Box Cafe inside Tiffany’s on 5th Avenue. (Photo: Time Out New York)

*As written by Truman Capote in Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

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3 comments on “Favorite Travel Quotes: Just Want to go a-Travelling

  1. Pingback: Favorite Travel Quotes: Such a Lot of World to See | TravelLatte

  2. Pingback: Favorite Travel Quotes: Such a Lot of World to See - TravelLatte

  3. Great quote! It is very true, I am the happiest when I am traveling. ?I would love to eat at the restaurant Blue Box Cafe at Tiffany’s but never know my travel plans that far in advance to book reservations. lol I too will have to keep trying to get in there for breakfast.

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