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Favorite Travel Quotes: Nothing Lasts Forever

Travel Quotes

Nothing lasts forever, except the day before your vacation.

This is truly one of our travel quotes, because it is so true! You know the feeling. You’ve been looking forward to vacation for what feels like f o r e v e r ! You’ve made all of your reservations, and double checked them all. You’re packed. You are ready to go. But the clock on the wall is ticking away the hours ineffably slow.

(Yes, ineffably. Oh yeah, we went there!)

Que: Anticipation by Carly Simon.

We have a love/hate relationship with anticipation. The prospect of escaping work, school, or just home for a week of vacation is so exciting! After all the planning, daydreams take over and the anticipation builds even more. And the higher that anticipation climbs, the slower time seems to go.

We always imagine Salvador Dali’s famous clock, melting in a deserted landscape – which is what the office starts to resemble during vacation season. Tick. Tock. Echoing in our minds like the soundtrack of an Alfred Hitchcock film.

The good new is, nothing lasts forever. Finally, vacation day arrives! And then we realize the bad news: nothing lasts forever.

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