Monday Travel Motivation / Travel Quotes via

Monday Motivation: I would rather own little…

Our series of inspirational and motivational travel quotes and images continues with a quote from American photographyer and graphic designer, Alexander Sattler:

“I would rather own little and see the world, than own the world and see little of it.”

Travel Changes You

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Without knowing it, this thought has been slowly taking over our lives here at TravelLatte. In our drive to travel and see more and more of the world, we find three things inhibiting us, as they do everyone: Time, Money, and Stuff.

Time is a given. As Jim Croce famously sang, “There never seems to be enough time to do the things you want to do once you find ’em.” Closely related is Money. Even if you travel cheaply, you need some funds. Securing them, it seems, is Travel’s chief rival for Time.

Then there’s Stuff. Whether it’s a prized record collection (ahem, guilty!) or a house with a big garden to tend, those things eventually become anchors. They stand, often inflexibly, between you and the world. They take your attention. They take your time. They take your money.

We’ve been re-examining the Stuff in our lives. Is it helpful, or is it just demanding? Do we need it? Do we even want it? And the big question: Can we travel more if we sell it? With very few exceptions, Stuff goes. So that we can go.

What about you? Are you keeping Stuff that is keeping you from seeing the world?

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4 comments on “Monday Motivation: I would rather own little…

  1. As much as I love to travel, after a while I get tire of it and I need a place to return to. I don’t think I could liquidate all my assets for the sake of running around the globe.

    • Hi Anda! I understand some people are happy with nothing to tie them down, but I do think there’s a balance between the extremes. We like having a home, too, but really enjoy the globetrotting. In fact, sometimes that running around makes us all the happier to be home for a bit to decompress. Thanks for your comment!

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