Favorite Travel Quotes via @TravelLatte.net

Favorite Travel Quotes: Practice Geography (Travel!)

Favorite Travel Quotes

Don’t just study geography, practice it!

To be honest, this is both a favorite travel quote, and a secret travel tip!

Just like with everything else, the only way to get better is to practice. You could practice geography by studying heavy books and musty maps, or you could do what we do: Travel! And while you’re learning your world geography, you’re practicing your travel skills, too! It’s the best win-win situation we’ve ever heard of!

If you need some hints on how to practice traveling, take a look at our Five (More) Resolutions for Travelers. It’s a mini-handbook of indispensable travel skills you can practice all year long.

So there’s our quote and tip: Practice! A command of geography is helpful when planning our your travel goals, and it’s always impressive at dinner parties. When you practice travel, you get better with every trip, and get the first-hand experiences to enhance your geography prowess. The two go hand in hand, and definitely make learning fun!

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