Favorite Travel Quotes via @TravelLatte.net

Favorite Travel Quotes: Just Give Me Motion

Just give me motion to set me free
in the land and the ocean far away.
It’s the life I’ve chosen every day.
So now I’m leaving. Got to go. Hit the road.

― from Goodbye Stranger by Supertramp; Songwriters: Richard Davies & Roger Hodgson

Favorite Travel Quotes

It’s a feeling every traveler has known: I’ve got to go.

Incessant wanderlust keeps us moving. When we’re not actively traveling, we’re planning our escape. We were born to wander, craving freedom and motion. Always saying Goodbye Stranger to someone, something, or somewhere.

We love the song, in part, because it captures the spirit of that part in each of us that can’t stay in one place too long. There’s no offense meant, no hard feelings. It’s just that we must be moving on.

I really have enjoyed my stay, but I must be moving on.

Like many Supertramp songs, it’s a triumph of rock music, too! Admit it: When the song comes on the radio, you want to turn it up, and you never want it to end. It’s the same way we feel about traveling.

Oh, yes, I’m leaving – Got to go – I’m sorry, I must dash!

Goodbye Stranger is one of our favorite traveling songs. What’s on your travel playlist?

About the Picture

Our thanks to Johann Plenio for his sunrise silhouette of a sailboat on the water. With the approaching storm, it reminds us of the need sometimes to get away.

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