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Favorite Travel Quotes: Travel is the Bridge

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“Travel is the bridge between you and everything.” – Rumi

Favorite Travel Quotes via @TravelLatte.net

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In so many ways, travel is a bridge. It takes you to new lands, whether across a river or a world. It carries you to new people, cultures, and points of view which you may never have encountered or considered. And with that exposure comes knowledge, understanding, and a different traveler. Travel is a bridge to a new you.

“Travel is the bridge between you and everything,” is a variation on a quote from 13th-century Persian poet, jurist, Islamic scholar, theologian, and Sufi mystic Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī, best known simply as Rumi. In his many poems and love songs, Rumi wrote that “love is the bridge between you and everything.”

Interestingly, despite being born more than 800 years ago, Rumi has been the best-selling poet in the United States for several years! Lee Briccetti, the executive director of Poets House, explains to the BBC: “Across time, place and culture, Rumi’s poems articulate what it feels like to be alive…they help us understand our own search for love and the ecstatic in the coil of daily life.” She compares Rumi’s work to Shakespeare’s for its “resonance and beauty.”

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2 comments on “Favorite Travel Quotes: Travel is the Bridge

  1. Great quote. I have this motto above my desk that sort of pairs well… “Be led by creative forces.” Every time my brain gets dull, or I lose perspective, I try to get out and travel (sometimes that’s a 15 min walk, sometimes a trip, and sometimes it’s just looking at photos on a blog or Instagram!)

    • Thanks, Joe! I love your quote, too. I think one of the great things about travel is that it does let you shake off the everyday, which opens up the mind. Creativity just doesn’t do well in cramped, constrained quarters! Thanks for reading – we appreciate it!

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