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Monday Travel Motivation: Travel Formed Me

Our series of inspirational and motivational travel quotes and images continues with a quote from one of the most successful Americans of the 20th Century, David Rockefeller:

“I am a passionate traveler, and from the time I was a child, travel formed me as much as my formal education.”

The Grand Tour

There was a time when the European aristocracy and gentry celebrated a right of passage called the Grand Tour. Wealthy young men would trek through France and Italy, and often much more of the world, in search of art, culture and the roots of Western civilization. It was believed, after university, young men needed a “real world” education in order to be well rounded and knowledgeable of all things. As noted in another Monday Travel Motivation, you learn more when you’re travelling.

To a large degree, this custom died out in the 1800s when rail and steamships made travel more accessible and much easier. However, that did not lessen the educational value of travel. To this day, world leaders and business “movers and shakers” are likely to be well traveled, often in lieu of formal education. Case in point: David Rockefeller.

What YOU have in common with David Rockefeller

While you and I may not have ambitions to rule the world or build an empire, we generally have one thing in common as travelers: an unquenchable thirst to learn. To see things with our own eyes, and experience the world firsthand. We may not be Rockefellers, but we are likely formed by travel just the same.

See also  Monday Motivation: The Best Medicine in the World

2 comments on “Monday Travel Motivation: Travel Formed Me

  1. I’m really hoping that my kids will one day realize how much travel has benefited them. Since they’ve been doing world travel since they were young, I don’t think they understand how unusual it is and the perspective that it’s giving them.

    • Their normal is so out of the ordinary! But I think that’s a good thing. If we ever get to the point where NOT traveling is out of the ordinary, I think we’ll all be better off. Meanwhile, we’re trying to do our part to raise World Citizens. They’ll certainly be better off for it. 🙂 Thanks for your comments!

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