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Favorite Travel Quotes: Travel with No Regret

Travel Quotes

Live life with no excuses, travel with no regret.

– Oscar Wilde

If nothing else, Mark Twain and Oscar Wilde had this in common: They were pretty smart fellows!

Mark Twain once said, “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” It hasn’t taken us twenty years to regret not doing some things. The opportunity to work in the U.S. Virgin Islands, for example. Yep…should have taken that job. The chance to have a drink at the birthplace of Tiki culture, Don the Beachcomber. It’s closed now, so I regret not doing that, too.

And so we come to Oscar Wilde’s advice. “Live life with no excuses, travel with no regrets.”

I have no excuse for not going to Don the Beachcomber’s, so I think that part is covered. In general, the popular Twitter hashtag #SorryNotSorry is the epitome of living with no excuses. You don’t have to apologize for wanting to do something – particularly traveling. So I say go! Take that trip. Make that trek. Climb that mountain.

Otherwise, twenty years from now, you’ll regret that you didn’t.

About the Author

Oscar Wilde likely needs no introduction, as the author of required reading in Literature courses the world over, and the greatest producer of Irish literature. Instead, we thought it might be fun to share a few little-known facts about the author. For example:

  • He was fluent in English, German, and French, and had a working knowledge of Italian and Greek, but didn’t speak a word of Irish.
  • His first dramatic play, Salome, was written entirely in French while he was living in Paris.
  • He was both born in, and graduated from, Dublin’s Trinity College. (He also studied at Oxford University.) To be fair, when he was born at 21 Westland Row, it was not part of Trinity College. Today, the building serves as the Trinity Oscar Wilde Centre.
  • Though a prodigious writer of plays, political and philosophical essays, and children’s stories, he only wrote one novel: The Picture of Dorian Gray.
  • Oscar Wilde’s last words reflected the wit he was so well known for: “My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or other of us has got to go.

About the Photo

Sunset over Lake Grapevine. More often than not, the flight path as we return home to DFW International Airport takes us over (or between) Lake Grapevine and Lake Lewisville. Normally, we arrive later at night, but this time we arrived just as the sun was beginning its descent, casting a golden hue over the lakes and homes inbetween. We couldn’t resist pulling out our cameras for a scene we don’t see too often, even though it happens every day.

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Oscar Wilde Favorites

It’s no secret that we love to read, and some of our favorite Oscar Wilde stories are below, in our Amazon store. TravelLatte is an Amazon affiliate, and does receive a small commission when you purchase, though you pay no more than you usually would for these Kindle downloads (or anything you buy from Amazon through us). Your purchase helps keep TravelLatte running, and we genuinely appreciate your support.

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