Every year, we take an autumn getaway to take in nature’s beauty. This year, we’re adding a little giveaway for our Instagram followers! Updated! Read on to meet our winners.
Welcome to October!
For a couple of weeks now, our calendar has said it’s technically fall. The weather, however, has stayed decidedly summery around much of the world. But now, it’s October and we can tell that things are changing!
What’s your favorite thing about fall?
Our favorite thing about October is that we start seeing everything we associate with autumn! The weather has started cooling down, apples are coming into season, and there are pumpkins popping up pretty much everywhere: coffee, beer, pasta sauce, heck, even in the grocery store. Thankfully, that means pumpkin pies are not far behind!
But our favorite thing about fall is the changing of color all around us! Granted, it’s hardly noticeable yet at our home base in Texas, but in northern states and high elevations, the show has already begun! And every year, we take a little time to Oooh and Aaah at Mother Nature’s fireworks.
This year is no exception. The only question is: Where are we going?
Our First Fall Giveaway!
Ed. Note: Our Autumn Getaway Instagram Giveaway has ended. This section has been updated post-trip.
We really wish we could smuggle everyone along in our luggage, but that’s just not going to work. The next best thing is sharing our autumn getaway with you! We posted pictures to our social channels, and recorded several Instagram Stories, which are now collected in our Autumn Getaway highlights. We enjoyed this so much, we’ll be doing it for more travels going forward.
We wanted to have a little fun for everyone on our Instagram feed during this trip. Thus was born our first ever Autumn Getaway Instagram Giveway! For 10 days before we left, we posted a daily hint on Instagram. Each hint led closer to this year’s ultimate destination. If you want to share the thrill of discovery, you’ll find the hints on our Instagram feed and you can play along after the fact.
We will tell you this much: We started in New York City, and worked our way to our ultimate destination over a few days. Once we got there, we picked up some fun and tasty local goodies for prizes! Our winners got a prize pack with several different local items, just as if they were right there with us! (Come to think of it, this photo is a dead giveaway of where we went. Sorry for the spoiler!)

The iconic view of lovely Stowe, Vermont, with the Stowe Community Church and City Hall. Are you ready to go?
Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner*
*No actual chicken dinners were served.
We are so happy so many people joined in the giveaway fun, and followed along during our travels. We deeply appreciate everyone who clicked in, gave us a like or a comment, or made a guess. In our book, everyone’s a winner! Except…not everyone can be a winner.
Congratulations and thanks to our winners: That Texas Couple, Linda Watters, and Jenn Pepple! We hope you enjoy your prize packs and much as we enjoyed the shopping. (That was a little confusing; Linda and Jenn are not That Texas Couple. They are two of our three winners though!)
Thank you for joining us on this adventure!
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