What We’re Reading: Around the Blogs on a Lazy Weekend

After a few super busy weeks, we plan to lounge around this weekend and catch up on a few of our favorite blogs. Of course, Saturday is already full with errands we couldn’t do during the aforementioned “super busy weeks,” so the pressure is really on for Sunday to be a day of relaxation and blog-reading satisfaction!

We did manage to thumb through some great stories recently and meet some fun new blogs. So here’s what we’ve enjoyed most, and are looking forward to reading more!

The Czech Republic’s Castles and Chateaux by Tatiana Pawelec on TravelSquire.com (Twitter: @TravelSquire / Facebook: TheTravelSquire)

Travel Squire is a collective effort featuring a huge variety of topics and a diverse array of writers. After a Twitter chat about Castles and Chateaux, we followed a link to this post that richly rewarded us with fabulous pictures and new daydreams. True to the title, the author introduces us to several beautiful estates in what would be a great Czech Republic itinerary. We’re ready to move in – do you think one might be for sale?

Rainforest Waterfalls and Ruins by David Chatsuthiphan on Unreal Hawaii (Twitter: @unrealhawaii / Facebook: UnrealHawaii)

One of the spectacular photos from the blog Unreal Hawaii.

One of the spectacular photos from the blog Unreal Hawaii.

We like to hike and take pictures, but we pale in comparison to these guys! Following along as a group of photographers hike to waterfalls and ruins in Hawaii. Not a lot to be said; the pictures speak for themselves. And there are a lot of great photos all over Unreal Hawaii.

B is for Balboa Park by Donna Amis Davis at Donna on Palawan (Twitter @DonnaAmisDavis / Facebook: Donna Amis Davis)

The annual A to Z Blogging Challenge is underway, so we’ve been visiting lots of travel bloggers’ homes. This was one of our favorite stops this week, in no small part because San Diego – and Balboa Park in particular – is among our favorite places on earth! It’s a great post with absolutely beautiful pictures, on a site filled with everything San Diego!

See also  This Day in History - May 20

So many great blogs out there…so few lazy days to explore them all! Feel free to share your favorites (or your own blog) in a comment below!

4 comments on “What We’re Reading: Around the Blogs on a Lazy Weekend

  1. There are quite a few great blogs out there to read. I’m currently clicking through all the ones on the A to Z challenge list…thousands! I don’t know if I’ll even make a dent in the list by the time the month is through.

    • There sure are! And it does seem like a record number of A to Z bloggers this year! I’m visiting as many as I can; that alone is a challenge! 😉

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