What We’re Reading – The Inaugural Edition

Please welcome a new, semi-regular feature with the stunningly obvious title, What We’re Reading. While perusing other blogs, online and even paper publications, we realized one of the things we liked best was when our favorites pointed us towards what they were reading. It expands our circle of friends, interests and knowledge, introduces us to new ideas, and more often than not, leads us to new things we want to explore. Since we enjoy that ourselves, doing the same for our friends and readers seemed obvious. So…here we go!

What We’re Reading

This inaugural edition of What We’re Reading is all about envy of the best possible sort: Travel Envy. That feeling you get when regaled by accounts of fantastic journeys, epic adventures, or seriously fun times, when you instantly decide you must do that yourself. Or, at very least, you really wish you had done that.

Though we’ve been travelling a fair bit ourselves lately, our trips seem positively mundane when compared to the great journeys we’ve been reading about! These tales have given us inspiration, ideas and, yes, Travel Envy. Read on, and enjoy!

From the seed to the cup: A tour of Doka Estate in Alajuela, Costa Rica – by TravellerSoul (Twitter: @TravellerSoul76 / Facebook TravellerSoul76 )

If it has to do with coffee or travel, we’re interested. Both in one post? We’re hooked! Carla gave us a new addition for our Travel To Do list with this peek behind the scenes at a working coffee plantation on beautiful Costa Rica. While the scenery is gorgeous and the tour seems fascinating, we can’t wait for the samples! 😉

These Guys Cheated Time to Break a Guinness World Record for Travel on Huff Post Travel (Twitter: @HuffPostTravel / Facebook: HuffPostTravel)

If you saw our Tweet about this, you know we’re just jealous that we didn’t come up with this! Two guys, a couple of cameras, five continents and one day. Well, “technically” one day…they played with time zones to make it a 28 hour day. Something we hope doesn’t catch on with employers. Great story, cool video.

Life Onboard the Viking River Cruises Longships by EuroTravelogue (Twitter: @EuroTravelogue / Facebook EuroTravelogue)

See also  What We're Reading: Around the Blogs on a Lazy Weekend

You may have heard that Viking River Cruises broke a Guinness World Record of their own – again – with this week’s mass Christening: 18 ships, 4 countries, 5 days. Lots of reporters and bloggers covered the event, including the guy we’d nominate to be the Viking River Cruises “Poster Boy,” Jeff Titelius at EuroTravelogue (@JeffTitelius). And we mean that with complete sincerity – the blog is fantastic and Jeff is so enthusiastic that he pretty much single-handedly convinced our doubters that we must take a trip with Viking River. In this post, he takes us aboard the Viking Skadi with awesome photos from his Danube Waltz cruise. Thanks, Jeff, for sharing!

There you have it, the first What We’re Reading list from the TravelLatte team. We trust you’ll enjoy these articles as much as we did, and will become regular readers of these fine blogs and publications, as we have. Feel free to share the blogs or publications you love to read in the comments below!

2 comments on “What We’re Reading – The Inaugural Edition

    • Hi Soli – There are a couple that we like that aren’t too chock-full of adverts and sales pitches. One is Cousin Bruce’s Hawaii Aloha Travel (www.hawaii-aloha.com/blog/) – He’s a travel agent and the site shows his love of and familiarity with Hawaii. For great photo essays, checkout Unreal Hawaii (www.unrealhawaii.com). Go Visit Hawaii (http://www.govisithawaii.com/) is also really good and has travel guides for the major islands. Hmmm…we’ll have to do a Hawaii Edition of What We’re Reading!

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