Beating Paid Wi-Fi -

Beating Paid Hotel Wi-Fi: Create Your Own Hotspot

Almost every hotel room still has one of those archaic Ethernet cables. Why? So you can use it to your advantage! We have two solutions that let you turn that Ethernet cable into your very own Wi-Fi hotspot. (Sorry, we can’t help you turn the coffee maker into a barista to go with it.)

Option One uses your laptop, either Mac or Windows. For OS X, just a few steps in System Preferences turns your computer into a hotspot. MacYourself has easy to follow directions. (If you have a MacBook Air, you’ll need something to convert that Ethernet cable to USB.) If you have a Windows machine, you’ll need the Thinix WiFi Hotspot™ app (7 day free trial, then $12.95 for one PC). Both are pretty easy and, even if you buy the Thinix app, cheaper than paying for a couple nights of hotel Wi-Fi.

Option Two involves a gadget called a Travel Router. We use the Satachi Smart Travel Router which also has a couple of USB ports, works in other countries, and is small enough to easily pack with you. It’s really easy to use: plug the hotel’s Ethernet cable into it, and it broadcasts a Wi-Fi signal throughout your room so you can surf on your lappy, tablet and/or phone. At about $45, it’s economical if you’re frequently faced with hotel bills for in-room Wi-Fi. It is a 100Mbps connection, but it does work. If you connect several devices or need more bandwidth, they have a 300Mbps version. The Satachi Smart Travel Router is in our Amazon link below, if you’re interested. When you purchase through our link, it doesn’t cost you more, but we do get a small percentage. And you have our gratitude.

Ready to Just Say No to In-Room Wi-Fi Charges? Then read on!
#1: The Free Cheats – Free Wi-Fi is out there; here are a few ideas to get it.
#2: Beating Paid Hotel Wi-Fi: Create Your Own Hotspot – it’s surprisingly easy and affordable to do!
#3: If You Have a Smartphone, You Have a Hotspot! (The not-so-cheap solution.)
Or go Back to the Beginning

See also  The Well-Stocked Gadget Bag

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