Buc-ee’s: The Texas Road Trip Pit Stop Palace

Summer means road trips! And road trips, eventually, lead to pit stops; a chance to stretch your legs and stock up on snacks.

In Texas, the road trip pit stop has reached legendary status at a place called Buc-ee’s. You’re probably thinking of something like a truck stop, a roadside tourist trap, or a glorified convenience store. But, this is Texas, where everything is bigger. Buc-ee’s is a convenience store taken to epic proportions. Literally.

Buc-ee's at TMS on TravelLatte.net

The local legend of Buc-ee’s began in 1982 in Lake Jackson, on the Texas Gulf Coast south of Houston. Since then, stores have popped up across central Texas, all the way up to the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, mostly along busy highways and close to attractions – prime locations for road trippers needing a convenient stop. Having a lot of stores is not what makes Buc-ee’s special. Having a lot of big stores is.

Buc-ee's World Famous Restrooms via @TravelLatte.net

We can’t vouch for their claim to world fame, but we can say the facilities are big and clean!

On Interstate 35 near New Braunfels, the water world capital of Texas, is Buc-ee’s #22, the largest convenience store in the world. The 68,000-square-foot store includes 80 fountain drink dispensers, four Icee machines, 120 fuel pumps, and 83 toilets. Not just any toilets, mind you. Buc-ee’s has been hailed as having some of the cleanest facilities on the road. In fact, they are World Famous according to Buc-ee’s!

The latest location opened recently near Texas Motor Speedway, which is very near to our home base. Naturally, we had to stop by and make sure everything was up to snuff. Which it was. Spotless restrooms, an army of soda and coffee machines, ice cold Icee machines, and everything else Buc-ee’s has become famous for. Surprisingly, this haven for long haul travelers is not open to trucks. No 18-wheelers are allowed, which does make negotiating the parking lot it a little less intimidating.

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Buc-ee’s is nothing if not Texan, and you’ll find a huge variety of souvenirs, housewares, décor and clothing emblazoned with the Lone Star and Texas motifs. “But wait,” as they say, “there’s more.” Need a whole line of camouflage clothing, literally head to toe, for the whole family? It’s at Buc-ees. Need some cow hide decor? You’ll find that, too, along with a whole section to keep the kids entertained, and areas devoted to grills, smokers, and cooking – whether over a campfire or in a kitchen.

Texas Home Decor via @TravelLatte.net

When you’re in Buc-ee’s, you are Deep in the Heart of Texas!

And then there’s the food. Just as the kitchen is the heart of a home, at the heart of Buc-ee’s is the kitchen. This is where hungry road trippers come to fill up and stock up. Being Texas, there is a barbeque counter, backed by the sweet smelling fudge counter. Nearby is the deli counter which, in true Texas style, has more varieties of freshly cured jerky than you can imagine. (Don’t see what you want? Check the nearby ‘Wall o’ Jerky’ with many packaged varieties.) More sweets, bakery items, and sandwiches can be ordered here. There is a huge candy section, a wall of beverage coolers, and in between are shelves lined with jars of jams, pickled vegetables, and deserts.

Buc-ee's: The Texas Road Trip Pit Stop Palace via @TravelLatte

No road trip pit stop is complete without a full compliment of foodstuffs: BBQ, jerky, fudge and candy galore!

If Texas is in your road trip plans, chances are you will pass (if not pull into) a Buc-ee’s. Grab a snack, some souvenirs, and get back on the road, because one thing you won’t find at Buc-ee’s is a place to sit and eat. After all, this is a road trip!

Buc-ee's: The Texas Road Trip Pit Stop Palace via @TravelLatte

More highlights from Buc-ee’s: The Wall of Coffee, Cowboy Hats, Rows of Jarred Goodness, Buc-ee himself, and 100% Pain Hotsauce!

Buc-ee's, the Texas Road Trip Pit Stop Palace, via @TravelLatte.net

Have you been to Buc-ee’s, or another amazing road trip pit stop? We’d love to hear about it in the comments! And if you love Buc-ee’s, or loved this post, why not Pin it to save for later and share with friends?

19 comments on “Buc-ee’s: The Texas Road Trip Pit Stop Palace

  1. Pingback: Enjoying Sweet Texas Peaches (and More) at Ham Orchards | TravelLatte

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  4. Oh my goodness. I’ve heard that everything is Texas is bigger, but this has got to the biggest pit stop store ever. Have always wanted to visit Texas, but I doubt I’ll be doing so during the current administration, for various reasons. I’d still love to visit it someday though!

  5. I love these road trip pit stops, but I’ve never heard of this Buc-ee’s. I must be the only one in the USA (lol). Well, I have an excuse though: I’ve never been in Texas, so I hope that counts. I’ll make sure to add this to my list in case I’ll go to Texas. #TheWeeklyPostcard

    • And they’re only in Texas (so far!) so you’re excused. 😉 They really are something, but I find almost every state has something similar. When you get to Texas, though, you’ll know where to stop! Thanks for the comment, Anda!

    • It really is! And for anyone looking for souvenirs that are truly Texan! Have to admit, we always stop to load up on jerky – it’s like the perfect road trip snack! Thanks for your comment, Melissa!

    • We haven’t encountered an English rest stop yet, but we did find Applegreen in Ireland. Not as huge as Buc-ee’s, but maybe more useful. They don’t have the racks of kitschy souvenirs and stuff, but they do have Costa Coffee shops in each one! Plus food courts, really clean showers & facilities, and the usual snacks and softdrinks. They even have free Wi-Fi and internet kiosks, massage chairs, and comfy seating where we could (and did) spend way too long. 😉 Hmmm…maybe that’s another post! Thanks for reading, Anisa!

    • That’s hilarious! See? It is legendary! 😉 We are always amazed at how many people know and love – and I mean LOVE – Buc-ee’s! Proving once again, everything is bigger in Texas. 😉 Thanks for reading, Lolo!

  6. Pingback: Why Quality Restrooms are Essential for Business – GasBuddy

  7. We looooove Buc-ees. Their bathrooms really are clean, and there’s never a line. My whole family can always find something to eat/drink there. I counted 9 different Icee flavors at the one in Bastrop. The only problem is that, for us, we always get distracted and spend much longer taking a break than I intend. Have you ever visited the iconic Wall Drug in South Dakota. I think it has Buc-ees beat as far as pit stop entertainment.

    • That’s funny, but true: Buc-ee’s is like a black hole when it comes to time on the road. I’m not sure it’s actually possible to run in for “just a minute.” Something is going to distract you! Wall Drug is so iconic, and you’re right – more entertaining. Both are something to see, though! Thanks for stopping by, Michele!

  8. Love Buc-ee’s! We always stop on our way to Austin or San Antonio from Houston and it’s a must for any visitors that come to Texas. In PA we had Sheets, ever been? It has quite a bit of made to order food but not the extensive souvenir and gift selections of Buc-ee’s

    • Hi Brian & Amanda! Buc-ee’s is crazy, that’s for sure. I remember seeing a Sheetz in Virginia – same thing? It did seem a lot like a Buc-ee’s from the outside but, being in Dad Mode, I just kept driving past. Now I’m wondering what we missed! Thanks for stopping by, guys!

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