Travel Quotes on - Travel brings Power & Love back into your Life

Favorite Travel Quotes: Travel brings Power and Love back into your Life

Travel brings power and love back into your life!
– 13th century poet, mystic, and theologian, Rumi

Travel Quotes for the Ages

Once again, Rumi drops some old school pearls of wisdom. 800 years later, they’re still gems.

Over the years – make that centuries – many people have commented on the restorative power of travel. Getting away can help you relax and reset. As a result, you come back refreshed and renewed. Even if you’re not on vacation, travel pays dividends. A change of pace and scenery can help your mind see old problems in new ways. Often, concentrating on the change can give your mind the chance to work out solutions that you couldn’t see when focusing on an issue.

When you travel, you can’t help but be exposed to new ways of seeing the world. Buildings may look different. Food, music, and of course, language could all be foreign to you. Traditions may seem unfamiliar, and even the mundane rituals of daily life could challenge you. All of these changes force you to think of things in new ways, to consider new points of view, and to come at familiar tasks in unfamiliar ways.

All of this works in your favor. Your renewed energy and focus is your power; enthusiasm and excitement your love.

Or maybe you’re just Stella getting her groove back. In which case, travel is literally bringing love back into your life! And that is never a bad thing.

Fun Fact! Rumi – full name Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi – was born in the Persian Empire, in 1207. Yet, he is the best selling poet in America in the 21st century!

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