Hans Christian Anderson Travel Quotes via @TravelLatte.net

Monday Travel Motivation: To travel is to live.

Our series of inspirational and motivational images and quotes related to traveling continues with a few words from the creator of the world’s most beloved fairy tales, Hans Christian Anderson:

“To move, to breath, to fly, to float, to gain all while you give. To roam the roads of lands remote, to travel is to live.”

Though remembered today mostly for his fairy tales, the 19th Century poet and novelist was known to travel far and wide. In The Poet’s Bazaar, he described his visits to Italy, Greece, and Constantinople. Later travels took him to Africa and Asia Minor, and books detailed trips through Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Germany, and elsewhere.

The last line of this couplet from his autobiography The Fairy Tale of My Life captures a truth he shared with travelers around the world and throughout time: To travel is to live.

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See also  Favorite Travel Quotes: It is Better to Travel Well

2 comments on “Monday Travel Motivation: To travel is to live.

    • Hi Brooke! We couldn’t agree more – especially about revitalization. When we open ourselves to see different things – and the same things in different ways – all sorts of exciting options and opportunities show themselves! Thanks again for visiting!

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