Holiday #Travel140: An Ounce of Prevention Makes Holidays Brighter

It’s the Holiday Season and we’re devoted to sharing tips to ease your travels so you can enjoy your holidays! It’s the #Travel140 #TravelTips Holiday Edition!

It never fails: You take time off to fly home for the holidays and you come home sick as a dog. The misconception is that cold and flu bugs like cold weather, but the problem is they actually prefer warm places like airports, train stations, bus depots, and shopping malls; all places we tend to gather in large numbers around the holidays. That’s why they spread so easily and strike so quickly.

You can help keep this trend from going viral (see what we did there?) with an old adage applied to modern times: An ounce of prevention can make holidays brighter. We have three prevention tips to stay healthy when traveling for the holidays…or anytime!

  • Get your Flu Shots: We don’t like them either, but it’s better to get a shot before you travel than to get the flu while you travel. Try to get your shot two weeks before you travel so your body has time to build up anti-bodies. Also, some people feel ill effects for several days after getting a shot.
  • Use that Hand Sanitizer: Washing your hands for 30 seconds with soap and warm water is best, but not always possible. So grab a trusted brand of hand sanitizer and use it often. Our favorite TV doctor, CNN’s Sanjay Gupta, says it doesn’t kill viruses but can help reduce the risk.
  • Stock up on Vitamin C: It really doesn’t prevent a cold, but stocking up before you get sick can lessen the severity and duration.
Take the stress out of holiday travel – See all of the Holiday Edition #Travel140 Travel Tips!

What are your favorite tips to stay healthy while traveling, especially during the winter?

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You might also enjoy our Five Tips to Avoid Getting Sick.

Can’t get enough travel tips? Here’s more #Travel140!

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