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Favorite Travel Quotes: Secret Destinations

All journeys have Secret Destinations... Favorite Travel Quotes via

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Our series of inspirational and motivational travel quotes and images continues with a quote from Jewish philosopher Martin Buber:

“All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.”

Martin Buber, was a Jewish Existentialist Philosopher best known for essays such as Ich und Du (I and Thou) and the book Das Problem des Menschen (The Problem of Man). Though not known as a traveler, his life was quite a journey, as were the lives of many German Jews of his era. His life and work are certainly inspiring, if not sometimes controversial.

We particularly like this quote, because it emphasizes the impact of travel. It is more than the act of moving from Point A to Point B; there are a thousand steps – physical and intellectual – along the way. In every one of those steps is the potential for discovery and learning. Travel changes you. Though you may not become aware of the changes until long after your journey, those “secret destinations” are some of the things that make you who you are.

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