#Travel140: Travel Tips via @TravelLatte

#Travel140: Fly with an Extra Top

#Travel140 #TravelTip: Whether you wear it on or carry it on, board your next flight with a sweater or extra top.

Ugly Airplane Sweater via @TravelLatte.net

While we’re at it, maybe we can start a new tradition: the Ugly Airplane Sweater!

Few things are worse than being freezing on an airplane. Once you’re airborne and the air conditioning is blowing, it can get downright frigid and there is no escape. Despite this, flight attendants say they’re amazed at how many people board in shorts and a t-shirt, and then complain about being cold.

Even if you’re in jeans and a top, it can still get chilly, so do yourself a favor: Bring along a sweater or extra top. No matter the season, you’ll appreciate the extra layer.

Related: It’s a good idea to Always Pack a Sweater, even for the guys!

What are your favorite in-flight travel tips? Share them in a comment, and we’ll re-post the best of ’em. (Be sure to include your Twitter handle and a link to your blog, if you have one!) Or click here for more #Travel140!

See also  #Travel140 National Fitness Month Tip: Don't Dismiss DVT

4 comments on “#Travel140: Fly with an Extra Top

    • What is it with airplanes??? It’s like they know if you get cold and target your seat with the AC! Of course, some buildings are that way too – froze our backsides off at the San Diego airport in the middle of July! Thanks for stopping by the blog, Tanja – good to “see” you!

  1. This is something I really struggle with – I’m always cold, but don’t like to be constricted by bulky clothing. One of my favorite things to do is travel with my blanket scarf. I can throw it in my bag if I don’t need it, but if I do it is so versatile. I can wear it as a scarf, wrap, blanket, etc. One of the best purchases I made!

    • We’re a mixed pair – Ann is always cold, too, so she always has a sweater or pashmina with her. (You can tell she’s the smart one!) I am always warm, so rarely have anything extra and end up freezing sometimes. I think a big scarf or pashmina is a great way to go – very versatile. Thanks for stopping by!

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