Favorite Travel Quotes: I love to Travel.

I love to travel, but hate to arrive. ― Albert Einstein We all know Albert Einstein was just about the smartest guy the world ever knew. And now we can say we are just like him! This quote is a … read more
I love to travel, but hate to arrive. ― Albert Einstein We all know Albert Einstein was just about the smartest guy the world ever knew. And now we can say we are just like him! This quote is a … read more
Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind. ― Seneca the Younger It’s easy to think of travel as a modern convenience. Indeed, it’s only been a widespread privilege for the last 100 years. Traveling, however, was … read more
There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign. ― Robert Louis Stevenson As travelers, we often find ourselves far from home, meeting new people and exploring new lands. Upon our return, we regale friends and … read more
Don’t quit your Day Dream. ― Sign in a store window. Walking through a crafty-slash-foodie section of town, we spotted a sign in a store window. It was simple, gold lettering on a white background saying, “Don’t quit your day … read more