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Favorite Travel Quotes: Adventure Fills Your Soul

“Jobs fill your pocket,
but adventure fills your soul!”

Jaime Lyn Beatty

Favorite Travel Quotes via @TravelLatte.net

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Many times, our Favorite Travel Quotes come with a backstory. Sometimes it’s a story about the person, or the quote, and sometimes how it applies to a certain situation.

This is not one of those times.

This travel quote doesn’t need a backstory! It’s a plain and simple truth, and we can almost feel you nodding in agreement. Yes, jobs are important. They fill your pockets. People use that for a lot of strange stuff, frankly, and we don’t understand half of it. The real purpose is so that you can embark on a journey! An adventure. And that’s crucial, because adventure does fill your soul.

Full pockets are nice, but we’ll take empty pockets and a full soul every time. What about you?

By the way, Jaime Lyn Beatty is kind of hilarious. She’s a member of the internationally acclaimed Team Starkid musical parody theatre company and, this one time, had this very quote featured in the window of a store at the mall. #Winning.

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