Favorite Travel Quotes via @TravelLatte.net

Favorite Travel Quotes: A Good Traveler

Favorite Travel Quotes via @TravelLatte.net

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“A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.” – Lao Tzu

What makes a good traveler? Is it the ability to craft a detailed, point-by-point itinerary and keep everyone on schedule? Or is it the flexibility to take what life throws you and “embrace the detours”?

On the road, as in life, there are only so many things you can control, but so many things you cannot. You can make yourself (and others) crazy trying to keep everything according to plan. Which is why, detailed itinerary or not, a good traveler has no fixed plans. Everything is fluid. It’s another way of saying, “Go with the flow.” Explore every moment. Don’t be intent on arriving, but take a good look at where you’ve ended up. You may not have gone where you intended, but you may be right where you need to be.

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3 comments on “Favorite Travel Quotes: A Good Traveler

  1. Pingback: Favorite Travel Quotes: I love to Travel. - TravelLatte

  2. This quote is not only true for travel but for life. You cannot control life or others in your life, but you can control how you react and what you do. Sometimes you do have to let go and trust life to lead you where you need to be.

    • Hi Brooke – We think so too. I know we often have to remind ourselves to let go and enjoy. Recently, we started to think of this in another way: If we’re too intent on arriving, we may miss the glorious moments along the way! We want to focus on the traveling, not necessarily the destination. Thanks for your comment!

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