#Travel140 Travel Tips:
It may seem counter-intuitive, but a squishy carryon can be your best friend!
A nice, sturdy carryon bag seems like a sensible choice. Something rigid, that will protect your valuables inside. It makes sense, but it might also lead to getting gate checked.

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A bag that’s a bit squishy can often squeeze into tight overhead bins that a rigid suitcase might not fit into. If you have something with little or no structure, like a duffel bag or daypack, your chances are better of finding at least a little space your bag will fit in.
Of course, this is not a one-size-fits-all solution. There are circumstances where you don’t want your bag to get squished and squashed. And sometimes, it really doesn’t matter how your carryon can contort, it’s just not going to fit. What we do know for sure is that overhead bin space is premium. If you can fly with a bag that’s a bit pliable, it might even fly in the same cabin as you!
We’d love to hear about your experiences with carryon bags – rigid, soft, or somewhere inbetween. What’s your favorite style, and what are your tips for flying with carryon? Feel free to share your favorite flying tips, too. We’ll re-post the best tips, so be sure to include your Twitter handle and a link to your blog, if you have one. Or click for more #Travel140!
I was just thinking about carryon luggage the other day, Rob. We have a squishy and a hard cover and last week we went to see our son in Oregon and traveled on Allegiant. Their overhead compartment seems to be smaller than other airlines so we could fit in the squishy but had to check in the other one. Fortunately, they didn’t charge us, but it was unpleasant anyway.
We haven’t flown on Allegiant, but we had heard their carry on bins were smaller. Good to know about the rigid carry-on not fitting. Hate that! Of course, I hate that we have to fight for room on the planes at all, but it is the nature of the beast. Thanks for your comment, Anda!