#Travel140 Travel Tips:
Since you still get a second passport photo, use them both! One for your passport, one for your suitcase. Yes, your suitcase.
Have you ever wondered why they still give you two pictures when you get your passport photo? And two of the same photo; it’s not like one is good and the other one is awesome. It’s the same picture. Twice. What gives?
If you didn’t know, the American passport application used to require two photos. Now, you only need one. (So make it a good one!) For whatever reason, though, most places still give you a second passport photo. Sure, it’s not usually the best photo you’ve ever taken, but since you’ve got one – and it meets the rigid(ish) passport requirements – hang on to it. If you ever need to replace your passport, you’ll need another photo, and voila! You have one.
Here’s how to use your Second Passport Photo
We have two recommendations, and we can’t decide which one we like best. Either way, we suggest taking your second passport photo with you when you travel.
- Option 1:
- Tuck it into your suitcase: If your suitcase gets lost in transit, the claim form is going to ask for a list of identifiable contents that prove it’s yours. Nothing says “mine” quite like a picture of you!
- Option 2:
- Use it for your luggage tags: Putting your name and address on your luggage tag isn’t the best idea, since it can let people know where your empty home is. Instead, use your second passport photo. It’s pretty easy to be sure you have the right suitcase when you’re picture’s on it.

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The biggest benefit is that you have a suitable photo in your possession in the event your passport gets lost or stolen, and you need an emergency replacement. This is particularly important if it happens while you’re traveling.
What do you do with that second passport photo? Frame it? Toss it? Feel free to share your favorite passport tips, too. We’ll re-post the best tips, so be sure to include your Twitter handle and a link to your blog, if you have one. Or click for more #Travel140!