Do It Yourself Cheat Sheets - Travel Tips via

#Travel140: Do It Yourself Cheat Sheets

#Travel140 #TravelTip: Before international travel, write out your own language cheat sheets. You’ll save a little, retain a lot, and have just what you need.

You’re probably aware that different people learn better in different ways, but research shows writing things down increases retention.  Instead of buying flash cards or cheat sheets, write out your own using a translation app or web site. You’ll remember more, and you’ll have exactly the words and phrases you’ll need!

Do you have some awesome tips of your own? From how to Pack like a Pro to Arriving In Style, and everything in between, we’d love to hear your favorite Travel Tips! Share them in a comment, and we’ll re-post the best of ’em. (Be sure to include your Twitter handle and a link to your blog, if you have one!) Or click here for more #Travel140!

See also  #Travel140: Ask about AC for summer travel!

2 comments on “#Travel140: Do It Yourself Cheat Sheets

  1. I always feel guilty when I travel to a country and I can’t speak any of the language. It was like that when we went last minute to Taiwan. One of our friends was our guide, so we didn’t do any language study before we went. It was the most silent I’ve been for a three day stretch.

    Language apps are great. We used one before and during our trip to Seoul. They’re great for learning the pronunciation of key phrases that will make you look much more polite as a tourist. “Please” and “thank you” go a long way towards a great travel experience.

    • Hi Nicky – You’re right! A few key words can make a big difference. I think learning some of the local language makes for an awesome souvenir, too! Knowing a few words and phrases from around the world definitely makes me feel more like a global citizen, which is our goal in traveling. 🙂 Mahalo, gracias, merci and danke for stopping by our blog! 🙂

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