#Travel140 #TravelTips via @TravelLatte.net

#Travel140: Talk to Me Like I’m Two

#Travel140 #TravelTip: Help locals understand you when traveling abroad: speak plainly and annunciate.

I once had a boss whose favorite saying was, “Talk to me like I’m two.” Turns out, that’s pretty good advice when traveling anywhere English is not widely spoken. What it means is slow down and speak plainly, simply, and clearly:
• Avoid contractions.
• Avoid slang and jargon.
• Speak clearly; don’t slur or mumble.
• Go slow; it takes time to process words you’re not familiar with.

Feel free to gesture, but be careful about hand signs like Peace and Okay; they often mean something other than what you intend. You should also know at least a few words in your host country’s language. Even if it’s not enough to find your way around or ask in-depth questions, it helps break down barriers and bridge the language gap.

What are your favorite tricks to communicate when you don’t speak the language? Do you have other awesome tips of your own? From how to Pack like a Pro to Arriving In Style, and everything in between, we’d love to hear your favorite Travel Tips! Share them in a comment, and we’ll re-post the best of ’em. (Be sure to include your Twitter handle and a link to your blog, if you have one!) Or click here for more #Travel140!

Photo: Adorable babies ©Wavebreakmedia Ltd | Dreamstime.com

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