Holiday #Travel140: Don’t Pack the Presents

As the holidays come closer, we’re devoted to sharing tips to make at least the travel portion easier. It’s the #Travel140 #TravelTips Holiday Edition!


This week’s tip: Taking gifts home for the #holidays? Consider sending them ahead. Easier than taking them with!

Everyone loves to play Santa, arriving with gifts for friends and loved ones, but our sleigh’s not as accommodating as Santa’s. If you’re travelling by plane, ship or rail, you know space is limited. Add to that Customs, TSA and carrier rules and restrictions, and it can get complicated, expensive and time consuming. You can avoid the hassle by sending your packages ahead. If you’re staying at a hotel, be sure to call ahead and let them know you’re sending packages ahead and ask them to hold them for your arrival. (Address them to your attention at the hotel’s shipping address.) Some hotels may have a charge, but many will hold packages for free.

Take the stress out of holiday travel – See all of the Holiday Edition #Travel140 Travel Tips!

Can’t get enough travel tips? Here’s more #Travel140!

See also  #Travel140: Memorize an Emergency Card

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