Travel Tips: TSA Cares, for travelers with disabilities & special needs - Via

Travel140: Believe it or not, TSA Cares!

#Travel140 Travel Tips:

Believe it or not, TSA Cares when travelers need assistance during the screening process, and they even have a hotline!

We admit it: Sometimes we feel sorry for TSA agents. For the most part, they’re honest guys and gals just trying to do their job, and we don’t always make that easy. Airport security can be a stressful time for anyone, particularly if you need extra assistance.

Travel Tips: TSA Cares, for travelers with disabilities & special needs - Via

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TSA Cares

TSA Cares is a helpline to assist travelers with disabilities, medical conditions, and other special circumstances that may require additional assistance during the security screening process. Travelers should call 72 hours (three days) ahead of their travel dates to get answers to any questions about screening policies and procedures, find out what to expect at the security checkpoint, and find out about any special help they may need.

Getting Help from TSA Cares

  • TSA Cares is available at 855-787-2227.
  • Travelers who are deaf, hard of hearing, and speech-disabled can reach TSA Cares via Federal Relay at 711 using TTY.
  • At the airport, passengers may ask a TSA officer or supervisor for a Passenger Support Specialist who can provide assistance.

We’ve enrolled the assistance of TSA Support Specialists while traveling with elderly family members, and they were polite and professional. In one case, the specialist walked us all the way out to our car and wouldn’t let us leave without a hug! She claimed to be “the TSA with TLC.”

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