#Travel140: Hide Your Room Number in Plain Sight

#Travel140 #TravelTip: Forget your room number? Hide it in plain sight so you don’t forget but nobody else knows it.

Travel140 Travel Tip - Disguise Your Room Number Right on Your Room Key

Sometimes when traveling, it’s fun to pretend I’m a spy, complete with secret codes and disguises. Of course, sometimes I have a hard time just remembering important details about my hotel, like which floor I’m on and which room I’m in. Thankfully, the front desk gives me a little folder with my room key that reminds me where to go. Trouble is, if I lose that folder, I don’t just lose my room key; I give anyone who finds it directions right to where my stuff is. And a key to get in and take it.

Instead, I ask the desk for a piece of scotch tape. Sadly, it’s not for some MacGyver-esque trick. The truth is much more mundane: I write my room info on that, tape it to my room key and ditch the folder. Of course, that would be no better if I just wrote down what was on the folder. Enter secret codes and disguises!

Say I’m on the sixth floor in room 12. I would write that down as 6/12/15 – it looks like a random date to anyone who finds it, but it’s a handy reminder to me of where I’m staying. If you need more numbers, or there’s a quirk like being in Room 612 but on the 5th floor, you can disguise it in other ways. Perhaps as a phone number: 612-222-5555.

The trick is to hide it in plain view in a way that is obvious only to you. And why the scotch tape? So the hotel can re-use the room key when I’m gone. (Sharpie ink does not come off so easily!)

If you’ve tried this trick, or have another travel tip, we’d love to hear about it. Just leave us a comment below!

Can’t get enough travel tips? Here’s more #Travel140!

See also  Reasons to be Happy You Booked a Tour

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