Overpacked Suitcase

#Travel140: Make a List, Check it Twice

#Travel140 #traveltip: Trouble packing it all? Make a list & don’t pack whatever’s at the bottom.

Overpacked Suitcase

Lighten the Load: Look for things you can leave home or buy on the road to make space in your luggage.

One of the more popular travel tips that is perennially ignored is to make a packing list. If you’re having trouble packing everything, or deciding what to leave behind, that list is very helpful! Arrange things in order of priority: what you need most down to what you need least. It’s usually safe to leave behind anything that you seriously question whether you’ll need. If you’re running out of room before you get to the stuff toward the bottom, perhaps you should leave those items at home.

Of those things at the bottom of the list, ask these questions:

  • Can I live without this for a few days/weeks?
  • Can I buy this on the road? (At a reasonable price?)
  • Does it take up more space than it’s worth?
  • Did I use this the last time I packed it?

Take no prisoners and you’ll have your list down to a packable size in no time!

(Posted: 2013/08/05)

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2 comments on “#Travel140: Make a List, Check it Twice

  1. I always make a list when packing, but it’s mostly for those items that I can’t pack until the morning/day of. I am also a habitual overpacker! It’s a woman thing… Normally I’m going through my bag to see what can be removed to lighten the load. I’ve never really thought about prioritizing the list. Thanks for the great idea!!

    • Hi Lisa – Thanks for stopping by! Glad you liked the idea – for me, having some sense of order helps me get packed faster and then relax knowing I have the vitals covered. No more sitting on the plane wondering what I forgot to pack!

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