#Travel140: Travel with Deep Pockets

#Travel140 #TravelTip: Deep pockets are best for flying; not just for buying tickets but for additional carry-on space!

Photo of shirt with five pockets.

Fashionable? Not really. Functional? Heck yes! You could carry a lot on your flight with a 5 Pocket Shirt. Just sayin’.

Airline tickets can be very expensive and additional fees add up fast. Sometimes, it seems like you need “deep pockets” to fly anywhere. But we are talking literally about having deep pockets – and lots of them – in your travel clothing!

Airlines are tightening controls on baggage but, as of yet, carry-on rules do not apply to what you have on your person. Options like Scotte Vest and other multi-pocket clothes serve as another small suitcase with storage space for your gadgets, small articles of clothing, and personal items. We’ve seen hats with a hidden pocket for cash and passports. Savvy travelers immune to barbs from the Fashion Police even claim the dreaded “fanny packs” count as clothing, not carry-on.

But you don’t have to wear purpose-built travel clothing to get all of your stuff onto the plane. You can maximize your personal capacity with cargo pants, shirts with more and larger pockets, and a jacket, vest or sweatshirt with additional pockets. And, for the daring, a belt bag. (You go, fashion maverick!)

Have you tried this tip, or have other tips to share? We’d love to hear about it in the Comments!

See also  #Travel140: Snap a Photo of your Taxi

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