#Travel140: Travel Tips via @TravelLatte

#Travel140: Tame a Smelly Suitcase

#Travel140 #TravelTip: Tame a smelly suitcase with dryer sheets!

We’re not saying your suitcase has B.O. but, after a few days on the road, your bags can pick up some unsavory smells. Whether it comes from dirty laundry, odoriferous snacks, smelly shoes, or an unfortunate spill, smells can linger for a while.

Dryer sheets can help keep things smelling sweet before, during, and after you hit the streets. If your suitcase smells a little musty, let a dryer sheet sit in it for a day or two before packing, then replace with one or two fresh sheets for your trip. After unpacking, lingering odors can be banished with one last dryer sheet.

Have you tried this tip? We’d love to hear how it worked for you. You can also leave a comment with your favorite tips, and we’ll re-post the best of ’em. (Be sure to include your Twitter handle and a link to your blog, if you have one!) Or click here for more #Travel140!

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4 comments on “#Travel140: Tame a Smelly Suitcase

  1. Great tip. I think it can be applied to many other smelling things, like drawers for instance. However, I can’t figure out how some people’s suitcases end by by smelling bad. I always pack my dirty cloths in bags and also the shoes.

    • The worst thing that happened to my suitcase was a souvenir liqueur that leaked. It had a pretty strong smell, and it stuck with that suitcase for months! I like to give dirty clothes and shoes their own bags, too, but I know a few teenagers (you know who you are!) who aren’t so…organized. 😉 Thanks for your comment, Anda!

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