Pack Like a Pro - Travel Tips via

#Travel140: Pack your lie-flat suitcase like a pro!

#Travel140 #TravelTip: If your suitcase is lying flat while you pack it, remember to put heavy shoes and books on the end that will be the bottom.

I hate it when my suitcase tips over in the airport. Or anywhere, really. Not that it’s embarrassing – it happens all the time – but because that’s a sure sign I didn’t do a good job packing. And that’s one thing I am just a little OCD about.

Since most suitcases lie flat when you’re packing, you need to think ahead to what happens when you stand your suitcase up. Anything that’s heavy – like shoes or books – should go on what will ultimately be the bottom. That will minimize shifting, keep your bag from tipping over, and make it easier to roll or carry. Anything lightweight or delicate should go at the top, the end with a handle.

The same applies if you have a backpack or dufflebag. Heavy items in the bottom help it stand up, but also balance better when your bag is on your back. Keep the heavy stuff as close to the ground as possible. (Your back will thank you later.)

If you’re flying, it’s also good to remember that suitcases are often loaded “face down.” If you have something delicate or breakable, pack it as close to the middle as possible, where it can be padded by softer items.

Two simple steps to help you Pack like a Pro!

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See also  #Travel140: Sharing is Saving

4 comments on “#Travel140: Pack your lie-flat suitcase like a pro!

  1. Pingback: Three Packing Strategies to Make Travel Easier - TravelLatte

  2. Pingback: #Travel140: Our Three Favorite Packing Tips - TravelLatte

  3. Great tip – as a backpacker we go to great lengths to make sure everything is packed in the most ergonomic fashion, using physics and space in an almost herculean effort to get more ‘stuff’ in there. Love how this thinking transfers so well when looking at our luggage from the perspective of what goes on inside the bag.

    • Thanks JC! My backpacking days play a big role when I’m packing even today, whether it’s a day bag or a big rolling suitcase. Of course, my backpacking background means I don’t usually use a big suitcase because I can fit a week or more in my little bag. And it infuriates my wife! 😉 I do think people pay too little attention to how they pack and use even a small bag, and end up struggling with it, or hurting their back. That’s no way to enjoy a trip! Thanks for stopping by!

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