#Travel140: Travel Tips via @TravelLatte

#Travel140: Three Go Bags for the Traveler on the Go

#Travel140 #TravelTip

Whether you’re a frequent traveler or frequent forgetter – or both – this tip will help: Have three Go Bags of essentials always ready to go! When you’re ready to pack, just grab them and go. No fuss, no forgetting, no running late.

#Travel140: Travel Tips via @TravelLatte

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Bag #1: Toiletries

If you unpack your toiletry kit after every trip, you’re wasting tons of time. The TSA’s 3-ounce rule is not likely to change any time soon, so either get yourself some travel sizes of your favorites, or a few refillable 3-ounce bottles. At the end of every trip, top them off or replace them as needed, and put them right back in the bag. Have a second set of toiletry tools, too. Toothbrush, comb, tweezers, clippers; whatever you usually pack for a trip, have one set just for traveling, and keep them in your toiletry bag. When it’s time for another trip, your essentials will be ready to grab and go!

Bag #2: Gadgets & Gizmos

How many times have you raced around the house searching for a charging cable to pack? Or worse, left the house without one? Make a grab’n’go Gadget Bag, and that’s not a problem anymore. Invest in a charging cable for every gadget that needs one: Smartphone, tablet, camera, other camera, rechargeable battery, LED selfie light, selfie stick, other smartphone…you get the idea. Grab some cord tacos to keep them organized, and stash them in your bag. Toss in a plug for every one, or invest in a cube that will accommodate many. If you travel internationally, add your converters, too. If your bag is big enough, you can store your extra battery pack, selfie stick, etc., in there as well. Now you’re ready to run and stay powered up.

Bag #3: Airplane / Road Trip Essentials

What goes in this bag is as individual as you are. The idea is to have everything you need to relax and enjoy the ride always at the ready. Headphones, eye mask, neck pillow, and a scarf are good starters. Make sure the bag is big enough to hold books or electronics you’ll want en route, too. Consider small touches of luxury: a toothbrush/paste, essential oils, comfy socks, and a moisturizing lotion are all good additions. One recent addition to ours: pre-packaged Clean Kits for every flight. At the last minute, add snacks, and you’re set to jet. Pack this one in an outside pocket of your carry-on so it’s easy to take out and leave in your seat. (Just don’t forget to pick it back up when you get out!)

See also  Travel140: Point It to Break the Language Barrier
Favorite Bags

We have accumulated more than our fair share of bags over the years. We’ve tried dozens, and kept a few. Here’s a roundup of some that we really like. Most are small and inexpensive, but you’ll find more in the TravelLatte Store.

What’s Your Bag?

We would love to hear about what you pack for trips, and your tips for always being ready to go! Just leave your tips and comments below. We’ll re-post the best, so be sure to include your Twitter handle and a link to your blog, if you have one! Or click for more #Travel140!

5 comments on “#Travel140: Three Go Bags for the Traveler on the Go

  1. Brilliant ideas – I’m JUST lazy enough that I’ve already got the toiletry bag part figured out. Oh, it’s still packed from my last trip? Cool. Throw that in and roll!

    Unfortunately, charger cords like to disappear throughout the house – so you’ll end up raiding the gadget bag at some point and never put things back. Or at least that’s what I do. Heheh

    • Hi Alex – Thanks for your comment! You are so right about chargers and cords being “re-appropriated” from the gadget bag. Ours is not truly grab-and-go – we have to take a look through first and replace anything that’s gone missing. 😉

  2. I need to put together a dedicated Gadgets and Gizmos bag. Currently, I pack it all up each time. Last weekend, I didn’t realize that I had accidentally mistaken a micro USB cable for a lightning cable and packed the wrong item.

    • Hehehe – that’s exactly why we got in the habit of keeping that gadget bag ready to go. 🙂 To make it easier, we have extra cables packed in our backpacks, in our cars, and in Ann’s purse. (She literally never leaves the house without a charging cable!) I do it just because I’d always forget them, but not anymore! 🙂 Thanks for reading, Michele!

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