Pack an In-Flight Survival Kit

#Travel140: Pack an In-Flight Bag – your airborne survival kit

#Travel140 #TravelTip: Keep a kit of things you’ll want in-flight so you won’t have to open the overheads. You can see what’s in ours below.

The phrase Flight Bag just sounds cool, as though you’re on crew and ready to go at a moment’s notice. The phrase Survival Kit, meanwhile, conjures images of rough seas and emergency landings. We’re aiming for something in-between (though more of the former) with our In-Flight Bag.

This is your survival kit for any flight, and it should contain everything you might want or need during said flight, from entertainment to snacks to medicines. The idea being that you won’t have to dig in a crowded overhead bin mid-flight to find your neck pillow, phone charger, breath mint, or little piece of sanity. It will all be right with you, within reach and yes, ready to go at a moment’s notice. Pack it last, and stow it in your roll-aboard, then retrieve it before taking your (hopefully not middle) seat.

What Goes In Your Survival Kit?

The contents will vary from person to person, and from trip to trip. A full inventory of my basic bag is below. Feel free to add and subtract as you need, but remember that the idea is to keep it small so it fits in one little bag. Speaking of which, bonus points for using a bag you will use again later. I use a theft-proof travel bag* that goes on nearly every trip with me. Once in my room, I transfer some of the contents to my luggage, and use the bag for daily outings. (*Fine. It’s a “murse”.)

Left to right, Top to bottom:

In-Flight Survival Bag

  • Tablet
  • Inflatable neck pillow.
  • Phone/tablet charger and multi-USB plug, in case the plane doesn’t have USB ports.
  • Pill box – mine has aspirin and allergy pills – fun!
  • Snacks – I like granola bars.
  • Ginger Chews – I prefer them to gum and breath mints, and they have an added bonus of soothing your stomach.
  • Headset – This is a dual set so I can share a movie on my tablet with my traveling partner.
  • Back up battery for said tablet.
  • Kleenix – related to the allergy pills above, but also handy if you need to reach for questionable doorknobs, ditch that stale chewing gum, and/or wipe a tear after watching My Girl in-flight (again).
  • More snacks. (For the movie! 🙂 )
  • Not shown: Disinfectant wipes.
See also  #Travel140: Travel Light

It’s worth noting that disinfectant wipes should go in every travel bag because they are hugely helpful. If you’re not packing them, make sure your travel partner(s) is.

#Travel140 #TravelTips via

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To paraphrase Austin Powers, “That’s my bag, baby.” What’s in yours?

Austin Powers - Yeah Baby

Oh, behave!

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