National Sports & Fitness Month via @TravelLatte

#Travel140 National Fitness Month Tip: Take the Stairs

May is National Sports & Fitness Month and our #Travel140 Travel Tips will focus on fitness all month long. Tip #1: Stay on lower floors and take the stairs!

Think of it as a free Stairmaster session. When checking into your hotel, ask for a floor a few flights up from ground level and, when they point you towards the elevators, ask where they keep the stairs. An average 150 to 160 pound person burns about five calories per floor, and builds healthy bones, muscles and joints. Some studies also show it can help improve your level of “good cholesterol”.

It should go without saying that you should take the stairs not just at your hotel, but wherever they’re available. Whether you’re going to a business conference, doing some vacation sightseeing, or just running around town, taking the stairs is one step to stay fit. (See what we did there?)

National Fitness Month FlyerFor more on National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, including ideas to help you get and stay active, health news, and more, visit the Department of Health & Human Services and the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition. Be sure to come back here for more tips on staying fit while traveling.

#Travel140 Travel Tips for Health & Fitness

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See also  #Travel140: Try a two-wheeled tour to see the city and stay in shape!

3 comments on “#Travel140 National Fitness Month Tip: Take the Stairs

  1. Pingback: The Perfect Travel Workout in One Word - TravelLatte

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